This Podcast Has Mastered Show Notes SEO

By Jeremy Enns

A podcast is only as good as it’s concept. But even a great concept is only as good as the messaging and packaging that communicates it to potential listeners.

Messaging and copywriting are two of the most neglected (and yet vitally important) aspects of podcast marketing & growth and in this episode, we’re dissecting the show Family Proclamations to highlight how a fascinating concept is getting lost in underwhelming messaging.

Topics Covered

00:00 Intro
00:33 Introducing Cocktail College
00:44 Why your website is crucial for podcast packaging
02:43 The secret job of podcast player badges
06:38 First look: Cocktail College’s cover art
08:15 Analyzing the reviews for trends and messaging
09:09 Analyzing the show title
09:57 Breaking down Cocktail College’s description
12:04 First minute listen test
13:22 The problem with pre-rolls, even perfect ones
15:01 Enhancing the listener’s first experience
19:06 The best day to release episodes
22:17 Why you should update your trailer regularly
27:59 Custom episode artwork: missed chance
30:58 Simple wins: episode titles
33:45 Leveraging show notes for additional SEO discoverability


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