In this episode of Podcast Marketing Trends Explained, we roast Open to Criticism‘s podcast’s packaging.

We break down what’s working, what’s not, and what you can learn to improve your podcast cover art, title, show description, SEO, and episode titles to improve your podcast discoverability and get more listeners.

Specifically, we discuss:

  • Design tips for Non-Designers
  • Leveraging ChatGPT to craft a stronger show description
  • Optimizing your show for SEO discovery
  • The importance of episode length and release frequency
  • And lots more

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Topics Covered

0:00 Intro
00:40 First impressions on Open to Criticism’s podcast packaging
01:06 Assessing the show’s cover art
01:51 Color choices and design insights
04:14 Breaking down the podcast description
08:49 Advice for crafting a more compelling podcast description
13:59 Exploring audience targeting and how it affects a show’s packaging
16:14 A ChatGPT hack for testing your messaging
18:52 Why you need to look for an audience that’s already “in motion”
21:34 Optimizing episode titles and descriptions for engagement
22:44 How to do custom artwork well
25:22 Leveraging strong, punchy episode titles
29:29 The complexities of creating good podcast custom episode artwork
39:43 Final thoughts on enhancing a podcast’s overall appeal


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Nat Kadlack
Chat GPT

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