Podcast + Newsletter = $$$

By Jeremy Enns

Your cover art is the single most important asset of your podcast. Along with your show title, it’s one of the only elements that almost everyone who ever stumbles across your show will encounter.

And when they do, what they see on the cover will determine whether they stop, look closer, and maybe even click through to listen to an episode…

Or whether scroll right by, potentially never to return.

In short, your podcast artwork matters. And in this video, I break down my thought process when designing cover art that hooks listeners, fills in the gaps left by the show title, and communicates the experience of the show.


Topics Covered

00:00 Why podcasting alone is not enough
01:10 The unique benefits of email
05:07 Email as a two-way communication channel
06:22 Integrating email into your content strategy
09:53 Building an effective email system
10:09 Creating a lead magnet and welcome sequence
13:59 The power of a regular newsletter
16:49 Leveraging other content platforms
19:13 Breaking down my personal email marketing system


Self-Serve Ears Audit
Blueprint for Podcast Growth
Roadmap to 5-Figure Sponsors

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