2022 Articles

Every Podcast Starts From Zero

Zero listeners, zero fans, zero reputation. Every podcast creator starts in the same place. It’s easy to begrudge the big brands and media empires for instantly racking up millions of downloads without having to pay their dues. But they did. They started from zero...

The Only Type of Podcast You’ll Ever Be Able to Grow

Chances are, you'd like your podcast to reach more people. Not just reach people, however, but connect with them, move them, change them. The way to achieve that, as you might have already guessed, is through marketing. But there's a catch. There's a secret that...

The 10 People You Need to Grow Your Podcast

As podcast creators, our shows often based around a big goal or grand vision for how to make life better for a specific group of people. That vision might be a refinement or improvement on the way things are currently done or a complete uprooting of the existing...

The Idea Faucet: A Simple Exercise to Generate Ideas & Get Unstuck

A while back, I came across Julian Shapiro’s idea of the ​Creativity Faucet​. Here’s how he describes it: Visualize your creativity as a backed-up pipe of water. The first mile of piping is packed with wastewater. This wastewater must be emptied before the clear water...

Great Podcasts Do “Work” for Their Listeners. Does Yours?

I came across this tweet from Sam Parr, host of the massively successful ​My First Million​ podcast a while back. The show's concept is that in every episode, Sam and his co-host Shaan brainstorm potential million-dollar business ideas for their listeners to take and...

Two Ways to Improve Your Podcast (& Why Most People Choose Wrong)

There are two ways to make anything better, including a podcast. The first, and more obvious, is to add something new. More features. More benefits. More bonuses. We often look at the work of others we perceive as more successful and think the difference in results is...

Distribution Isn’t Enough to Grow Your Podcast

There's a ​classic scene​ in Season 4 of Seinfeld that relates perfectly to how many podcast creators approach their shows. Jerry and George are in a meeting with Russell Dalrymple, President of NBC pitching him a pilot for a TV show Jerry and George are writing. When...

Is Your Podcast Packaging Confusing Potential Listeners?

One of the best pieces of marketing advice I ever received was this: "A confused mind always says 'no'." When it comes to podcasting, this advice applies most specifically to your podcast's messaging. Here's how it works: Clear messaging has the effect of both...

The One Way to Escape the Podcast Production Hamster Wheel

At one point or another, we've all experienced the podcast production hamster wheel. We run faster, produce more content, and yet never seem to get anywhere. The hamster wheel is exhausting, discouraging, and leads, in one way or another to the death of many a...

What’s the Rare Thing Your Podcast Provides?

Hi friends, I'm a bit of an ice cream fiend. I've sampled ice cream at dozens if not hundreds of ice cream shops around the world and my very first podcast was actually a show about local ice cream in Vancouver. Since I know you're curious, my favourite shop is Salt...

The Truth About How Podcasts Really Grow

A few months ago, I decided to go through the list of podcasts I subscribed to and determine exactly how I had discovered them in the first place. There were 18 podcasts in my feed from Seth Godin's, Akimbo to Krista Tippett's, On Being, 99 Percent Invisible to LeVar...

Before You Can Achieve Podcasting Success, You Need to Define It

Asking what podcasting success looks like might seem like a silly question to ask. "Millions of downloads, of course! Oh, and a line up of sponsors out the door... And a book deal... and I want to interview Barrack Obama... And maybe a spin-off Netflix series? Once my...

Start Growing Your Show— Here’s How

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