If Your Podcast Isn’t Your Audience’s Favorite, It’s Nothing

By Jeremy Enns

By Jeremy Enns

By Jeremy Enns

At the end of 2020, I discovered the software tool, Notion.

If you’re not familiar with it, Notion is an ultra-flexible, all-in-one workspace, allowing you to wrap all your favorite productivity tools into one neat & tidy package.

Now, I’m a systems nerd, and I love to experiment with any and every new productivity or systems tool on the market. Let’s just say Shiny Object Syndrome is a big problem for me…

Typically, when I discover a new tool I’ll jump in, spend a few hours or days playing with it and then forget about it, in favor of the next new tool.

Notion, however, was different.

In short, I became obsessed.

After discovering it, I consumed everything I could about it, and spent probably over a hundred hours over the course of a couple months learning, playing and customizing my digital “second brain.”

To this day, I can’t keep a wide, beaming smile from taking over my face whenever I find an excuse to bring Notion into a conversation… which happens almost daily.

Over time, my uncontainable zeal for the product has converted well over a dozen friends, students, and random acquaintances into Notion users.

Keep in mind there’s no affiliate program and I know almost nothing about the founders and team behind the product.

In short, I have zero stake in evangelizing Notion.

Rather, I’m driven purely by the desire to share my very favorite tool with others.

Though it might seem ridiculous (and definitely a little nerdy), I know how much Notion has changed my life, and I want others to experience that transformation themselves.

My evangelism when it comes to Notion isn’t unique.

From favorite software tools to bands to restaurants to Netflix series, we’ve all been on both the giving and receiving end of this type of earnest person-to-person promotion.

Of course, this type of evangelism applies to podcasting as well.

In fact, I believe this type of reaction is the North Star we should be aspiring to create with each of our podcasts.

Rather than aiming to mean a little to a lot of people, a better bet is to aim to create the very favorite podcast for a small number of people… who then can’t help themselves but tell everyone they know about us.

At the start, that might mean creating the best podcast in the world for just 10 people.

But 10 people who can’t get enough of what we do can spread the word way further and way faster than we can ourselves.

In the end, it doesn’t matter how “good” your podcast is or how much exposure you’re able to get. If it’s not the absolute favorite of at least a few people, it falls flat.

Note: Big thanks to the amazing Jay Acunzo for the inspiration on the topic of aiming for “favorite”. All his work is amazing and you should check him out.

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