Want Your Podcast Listeners to Buy From You? Here’s What You Need to Do Every Episode

By Jeremy Enns

By Jeremy Enns

By Jeremy Enns

I think it’s safe to say that if you’re currently perusing your a website dedicated solely to podcast marketing and growth, your show is one of your life’s current priorities.

Producing a show on a consistent basis is a near-all-encompassing labour of love that likely dominates much of your schedule and even more of your mental space.

Unfortunately, one of the common byproducts of that effort is the feeling that you are owed something by your listeners in return.

And to be honest, the feeling is understandable.

There is often a clear asymmetry between the massive amounts of time and energy you put into producing the show… and the utter lack of recognition on the part of your listeners.

For many of us, I suspect the feeling is rooted in our formative experiences as employees.

When you work for an employer, there is a direct relationship between time and effort invested and compensation earned.

The same dynamic does not hold true for podcasting, however. Our listeners aren’t asking us to invest our time or effort, after all.

Which means that while feelings of bitterness, frustration, and entitlement are understandable, they’re neither right nor constructive.

When it comes to podcasting, if you want to be rewarded for your time and effort–with engagement, recognition, and income–the goal is simple:

Create a show that leaves your listeners obviously better off after they finish each episode than when they started.

The more consistently you deliver these small (or big!) moments transformation, the more you will be compensated in return.

The transformation you deliver might relate to mood, knowledge, ability, perspective, or any number of other variables. Whatever it is, however, it needs to be something your ideal audience members value.

Even better for your ability to market it, if it’s something they’re already actively seeking out.

When it comes to audience building, transformation–not time or effort–is the currency of engagement, recognition, and conversion.

And if we’re unable to deliver it, we’re unlikely to be compensated.

Start Growing Your Show— Here’s How

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