How Soon Is TOO Soon to Monetize Your Podcast?

By Jeremy Enns

From the outside, today’s roastee appears to be… well, a mind-numbingly boring show.

Peel back the layers, however, and you’ll discover a show with a fresh and fascinating take on its topic.

But therein lies the problem.

While this show has a unique angle on its topic, is it being held back by packaging that doesn’t clearly communicate that hook?

Let’s find out.

Topics Covered

00:29 Introducing Daily Sports History
00:53 Are you limiting your podcast’s discoverability?
02:29 First impressions: Analyzing daily sports history’s cover art
07:11 Pros & cons of the show’s podcast description
10:44 Rethinking titles for better audience connection & relevance
12:43 Should this show consider rebranding?
26:04 The First-Minute Test
27:15 The trade-offs between monetization and growth
33:12 The importance of audio quality in podcasting
35:12 Leveraging ratings and reviews for podcast growth
35:59 Engaging your audience for content ideas and community building
36:44 Invitation to get your podcast roasted


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