52 MIN • Podcast Marketing Trends Explained

Does Social Media Actually Grow Your Podcast Audience? (& If Not, What Are Your Other Options?)

By Jeremy Enns

What everyone gets wrong about using social media to grow your podcast, and what you should be doing instead.

There might be no more common question in podcasting than: “How do I get more listeners”. And there might be no more common answer than, “Be active on social media.”

The result is that social media is by far the most popular marketing channel used by podcasters to (at least try to) get more listeners and grow their shows.

But does it actually work?

And if it does… how, exactly?

In this episode, we explore the potential benefits of social media for podcasters, how to use it effectively to grow your show and your brand, and why social media might actually be a more effective growth channel than it appears on the surface.

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Topics Covered

0:00 Intro
00:27 How many podcast listeners does 40,000 X (Twitter) followers get you in 2024?
05:22 Non-podcast-growth reasons to be active on social media
07:32 Understand why you’re using each platform
17:13 Which platform should you be on to promote your podcast?
25:59 The “Buyer’s Journey” of Podcast Listener Acquisition
26:49 Why social media is probably getting you listeners without you even knowing
34:36 The double-edge sword of building your platform reputation
38:10 Non-social media growth channels
46:34 Key takeaways from this episode


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