About Podcast Marketing Academy
I always hated marketing.
That might seem like a weird way for a marketing coach, consultant, and educator to open their about page, but it’s true.

Hey, I’m Jeremy 👋

See, for the first three decades of my life, I identified first and foremost as a creator.
But not just any type of creator.
No, between writing poetry, publishing philosophy essays, and writing and performing both hardcore punk and and indie singer-songwriter music, (not to mention also being a photographer)…
I was trafficking in at least four of the most marketing-averse creative disciplines possible.
And like so many creatives, I wore my anti-marketing ethos like a badge of honour (even as I failed to gain meaningful traction with any of my projects).
Until one day*, something shifted.
And I realized that I’d been thinking of (not to mention doing) marketing all wrong.
That marketing wasn’t at all the adversary to great creative work I had thought it was.
That it was actually baked into (and a natural extension of) the very creative process itself, whether that revolved around a podcast, product, poem, album, photo, video, or anything else you could dream up and create.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
* Yes, it literally was one day. Saturday, March 7th, 2020 to be exact.

It’s a little strange to admit my life was changed by a clothing company’s marketing video.
But that’s exactly what happened.
The company in question was Hiut Denim, a small direct-to-consumer jeans manufacturer based in a small, scrappy, rundown town in West Wales at the end of the Earth where the road ends at the cliff’s edge and the wild North Atlantic begins.
As a small brand with the deck stacked against them, Hiut have learned a thing or two about marketing.
And in 30 minutes, they exploded my worldview of what marketing could be, and changed my life in the process.
The video is a masterclass in storytelling.
But what I took away was more profound.
Hiut’s video taught me the power of not just storytelling as marketing—but of the power of my stories as a differentiator.
I realized that you can build a whole brand around a story… and in fact, you have to.
And that the specifics of my story, my vision, my personality, my tastes, and more are the very things that draw the right people in.
Beyond storytelling, Hiut’s marketing video gave me irrefutable proof that it was possible to market in a way that felt good to create and good to consume.
What’s more, it worked*.
This type of marketing is the basis for everything we practice, teach, and our clients build at Podcast Marketing Academy.
If you want to explore our marketing philosophy in more depth, read our marketing manifesto.
* I immediately bought a pair of $400 jeans after finishing the video… $325 more than I’d ever spent on jeans in the past. Yep, they know what they’re doing.

Today, I teach business owners, professional creators, marketers, and podcast producers & managers how to systematically grow their shows and use them to drive revenue.
As a sound engineer, former podcast production agency owner, storytelling nerd, and someone who’s listened to several thousand podcasts over the past decade, I have a deep love for and appreciation of the craft of creating a compelling podcast.
And as a bleeding heart creative turned reluctant (and then enthusiastic) marketer, I understand the challenges—and opportunities—of marketing creative work.
Both these perspectives are woven into everything we do at Podcast Marketing Academy.

At the core of our process is The EARS Framework, our signature 4-part framework that outline the four specific jobs your marketing and your content need to achieve in order to grow your audience and drive revenue.

Your system for consistently and predictably gaining exposure to new potential listeners, clients, and customers who are a perfect fit for your show and your work.

The more attractive your show, the less time, effort, and money it takes to grow it. It’s the difference between pushing a boulder up a hill, and riding a toboggan down one.

Whether your business runs on clients, customers, or sponsors, chances are, you don’t need a huge audience to generate significant revenue from your show… if you know how to use it strategically to complement your other marketing & sales channels.

Less than 30% of first-time listeners stick around. Which means your biggest lever for growth isn’t getting in front of more new people, but keeping the existing ones coming back for more.

Your system for consistently and predictably gaining exposure to new potential listeners, clients, and customers who are a perfect fit for your show and your work.

The more attractive your show, the less time, effort, and money it takes to grow it. It’s the difference between pushing a boulder up a hill, and riding a toboggan down one.

Less than 30% of first-time listeners stick around. Which means your biggest lever for growth isn’t getting in front of more new people, but keeping the existing ones coming back for more.

Whether your business runs on clients, customers, or sponsors, chances are, you don’t need a huge audience to generate significant revenue from your show… if you know how to use it strategically to complement your other marketing & sales channels.
With the EARS Framework as our overall strategic guide, we then work with you to build out 4 tactical systems that will power your podcast (and business) marketing strategy.

The Concept Catalyst
Our process for developing an easy-to-market podcast concept that eliminates competition and gets your ideal listeners eyes lighting up as soon as they come across it. (This is the secret sauce to all effective podcast marketing almost everyone ignores.)
The Infinity Loop
Where you’ll develop a cohesive, conversion-oriented content strategy based around your core IP & flagship offer (which we’ll develop together if you don’t already have it) that positions you as the expert and makes it unmistakably clear why your audience should buy from you.

The Email Engine
Our straightforward 3-part email market system that will grow your audience, surface hot leads, and accelerate your average client’s time to conversion… all while minimizing the amount of time you spend writing emails.
Lean Listener Acquisition
With the other systems thrumming along, we’ll develop a lean, focused exposure strategy designed to maximize your exposure to targeted pockets of your ideal listeners to maximize audience acquisition while minimizing effort.

The result is a high-octane Podcast Growth Engine personally tuned to you, your show, and your business to grow both your audience and your income.

Increased revenue, audience growth, podcast awards, improved efficiency, chart rankings, and more. Our clients and community members have used our system to do it all.
Maybe you’ll be next?

So that’s it.
We’re pretty well acquainted.
If you’ve made it this far and are looking for more, you’ve got a few options.
Read Our In Depth Guides
The 4 Phases of Podcast Growth
If your marketing isn’t working, there’s a good chance it’s because you’re using the wrong tactics for the phase of growth you’re in. Here’s how to use the right marketing strategy at the right time
How to Become A Better Podcast Interviewer
A practical guide to improving your interviews, episodes, and guest relationships using the hidden skills, traits & practices behind truly great guest interviews.
The Definitive Guide to Podcast Hooks
The dark art & curious science of crafting a podcast that worms its way into your listeners’ minds and refuses to leave.
Subscribe To Our Free Content

Daily Podcast Marketing Micro Lessons
A daily newsletter breaking down the mechanics and the magic of making and marketing podcasts that grow, sell, and resonate.

Data-Driven Podcast Marketing Insights
Exploring the data behind the biggest and fastest growing shows to help you make better, smarter, more effective marketing decisions for your show.
Sign Up To Work With Us

A Step-by-Step Playbook to Your First 500 Podcast Subscribers
First500 is a self-paced video course and playbook walking you through the single hardest phase of podcast marketing: Gaining initial traction.
First500 Is Designed For:
- Established shows that have hit a plateau at fewer than 500 downloads per episode
- New shows that are looking to develop their ongoing post-launch marketing strategy
- Hosts who are new to—or intimidated by—marketing and looking for a straightforward, easy-to-follow playbook to get started
- Business owners, creators, and podcast managers looking for the 80/20 solution to gaining traction without spending hours consuming content.

Personalized, On-Demand Podcast Strategy For Businesses & Pro Creators
The PMA Membership gives you on-demand access to everything you need to grow your show, including personalized strategy & feedback, 100+ hours of podcast marketing training, dozens of step-by-step marketing playbooks, weekly coaching calls, a community of growth-oriented podcasters, and more.
The PMA Membership Is Designed For:
- Experienced business owners, professional creators, marketers, and podcast professionals looking for ongoing personalized marketing support
- Established shows that have been podcasting for at least a year and are looking to accelerate growth
- Brands & business owners looking to increase client acquisition and podcast-driven revenue
- Hosts looking to build (or grow) a robust cross-channel marketing strategy around podcasting, email, video, social, and more
Or, if you’re feeling especially saucy, you can apply to work with me directly via a personalized podcast audit, custom growth plan, and ongoing 1:1 marketing support.