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10Xed Income In 6 Months 

Case Study Summary

Name: Jen Fugo

Location: Pennsylvania, USA

Show: The Healthy Skin Show


Market: Natural Skin Health

Problem: Was pivoting her business away from gluten-free nutrition to focus on natural skin health.

Had an existing show that was getting ~2k dl/mo but was looking to start fresh with a new show on her new topic.

Wanted to be seen as the expert. On her past show, she pushed a lot of traffic (and sales) to her guests but struggled to get her audience to buy from her.

Success: Before even launching, had lined up 3-months worth of sponsors at $800/ep.

Racked up 9,500 downloads in her first month. Within 6 months was averaging 20k dl/mo. Now has over a million total downloads.
10x’ed her health coaching practice’s income within 6 months of launching.

Raised her prices 3 times in the first year and still had a waitlist longer than she could handle.
80% of her clients come from the podcast.

Generated an additional $20k in 6 months

Case Study Summary

Name: Heidi Weinberg

Location: Colorado, USA

Show: Fashion Designers Get Paid


Market: Freelance fashion designers

Problem: Show had plateaued after 5 years.
Was worried she’d tapped out her small market.
Podcast wasn’t ranking in search or getting included in round up lists of podcasts for her niche… even though hers was one of the best shows.

Success: Integrated her funnel more strategically into her show and immediately started getting new leads, leading to $1k–$2k/mo of evergreen sales of her signature course.

Ran her lowest effort launch yet to validate a new higher-ticket program and brought in more than $10k.

Rebranded and refocused her show & within weeks was ranking as the #2 show for her primary keyword in Apple Podcasts.

Landed her first sponsor for an initial $2k campaign. Is currently in deep in talks with two additional brand she loves about potential 5–6-figure sponsorship deals.

2k → 15k Dl/Mo In 6 Months

Case Study Summary

Name: Doone Roisin

Location: Australia


Market: Female DTC Startup Founders

Problem: Felt like she was winging it.

Didn’t have a clear understanding of how to use her show to grow her business.

Wanted to join the HubSpot network but needed at least 10k dl/mo before they would consider her.

Success: Within 6 months had grown to 15k dl/mo. Was invited to join the HubSpot network where her show was promoted on Amy Porterfield’s, Jenna Kutcher’s, and My First Million’s podcasts.

Launched a highly profitable community for female DTC founders, and a $5k/mo 1:1 coaching program.

Has grown her list to 19k+, and social following to 120k+.Published a best-selling book that became the #55 overall book in Australia.

Got invited to meet the King of England 🤯

How To Use The EARS Marketing Framework To Grow Your Show & Business