If you’ve ever had this thought run through your mind about your podcast, it’s a clear sign that you’re veering off course.
Improvement Articles
Rubber Ducky Debugging: A Step-By-Step Exercise to Fix Your Podcast Marketing Strategy
When you’re not sure why your strategy isn’t working to grow your podcast, use this exercise to quickly identify the gaps and problems.
The Idea Faucet: A Simple Exercise to Generate Ideas & Get Unstuck
A while back, I came across Julian Shapiro’s idea of the Creativity Faucet. Here’s how he describes it: Visualize your creativity as a backed-up pipe of water. The first mile of piping is packed with wastewater. This wastewater must be emptied before the clear water...
Your Podcast Probably Isn’t That Good (But Should You Expect It To Be?)
You can’t master Mongolian, golf, or the piano in just a year or two. Why should podcasting be any different?
The Kobe Bryant Approach to Podcasting
How the process that made Kobe Bryant was one of the most successful basketball players of all time applies to podcasting.
The Slow, Unsexy, Utterly Effective Way to Improve & Grow Your Podcast
While everyone else is busy chasing the next, over-hyped marketing fad, do this to quietly and effectively grow your podcast.
Two Ways to Improve Your Podcast (& Why Most People Choose Wrong)
When what you’re doing isn’t working is it better to add or subtract from your existing foundation?
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